Reel Spearin’ provides a tangle free spearfishing experience while allowing much faster reload times!
The original wrap around line system on spear guns is no comparison to Reel Spearin’ as it accomplishes even more than the original line system and yet it requires you to do no work. Reel Spearin’ will fit on all wooden guns and is just as versatile as any original line system as it allows long distance shots of up to 20 feet with minimal to no effect on shot power, accuracy, or precision. If you are skeptical check out the videos page and watch Reel Spearin’ work its magic. Nonetheless, Reel Spearin’ delivers consistent high-quality shots and is able to do this because of its Custom Stainless-Steel light tension Spring. Its sole job is to continually contain and organize the line. Upon a shot the line is effortlessly let out and the line is reeled back in when loose giving the line no time to become a tangled disaster. Leaving you, the spear fisher, with more time to hunt!
A 10% Federal Excise Tax is mandated as Reel Spearin’ is a fishing accessory, but don’t worry it is already built into the price of each unit!
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